Our Program:
The Children’s House/Child Advocacy Center (CHCAC) is a safe place for children and families to come when there are concerns about child abuse or neglect. We provide victim support, family advocacy, medical exams, mental health and forensic interviews through a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach. We minimize additional trauma to the child and family by bringing in a team of experts called the Multi-Disciplinary Investigative Team (MDIT) to reduce trauma to children and their families by providing a safe and supportive environment through a collaboration of community agencies.
Contact Information:
Mailing Address: PO Box 335 Towanda, PA 18848
Physical Address: 64 Hospital Drive Towanda, PA 18848
email: info@chcac.org Phone: 570.265.4132
Link(s) to social page and or website:
www.chcac.org https://www.facebook.com/cacchildrenshouse